Saturday, March 31, 2012

"Are Your Children Having Acid Reflux?"

"Are Your Children Having Acid Reflux?"," About fifty percent of babies, within the first six months of their lives, will experience acid reflux in one way or another. Acid reflux, to infants, is more likely to be the discomfort that causes the pain more than the reflux itself. This happens during or after a meal and is quite painful because of the acid present in the stomach contents and the amount of actual stomach acid that will be present in the throat. For this reason, it is important to know the symptoms of acid reflux in babies so that it can be treated and the child can be comforted when a reflux actually occurs. Symptoms Of Acid Reflux In Children There are many symptoms present in cases of acid reflux in children. It is essential to bear in mind that these symptoms may not necessarily mean that the infant is suffering from Acid Reflux, but are signs that means the overall digestive system of the child deserves some attention and adequate information. Less common symptoms include: difficult to swallow food, gagging, and/or choking; throat infection and the need for constant eating and drinking to soothe it; deprived weight gain, loss of weight; husky voice; respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, noisy breathing, pneumonia etc. Treatment Of Acid Reflux In Children Various treatments are available to deal with GER in children. Till then, correct positioning and feeding methods will provide relief to them. Burping frequently and staying away from spicy, fatty and acidic foods will also help. But in very serious cases of reflux, surgery is performed. Monitoring should be done, all cases should, and a doctor should be alerted if the symptoms turn too serious or if the acid reflux occurs more frequent or consistent. This is because the acid reflux has reached a dangerous level and should be examined for other possible problem. They will be aware of the problem and how your child is affected; enabling them to take proper samples and diagnose it before getting out of hand. Hopefully, both you and your child can get a good night's rest with this information. But beware of complications, usually in the form of heartburn and esophagitis. While reddening and swelling of the esophagus due to acid backflow is known as Esophagitis. In severe cases, it can cause the inflamed part of the esophagus to bleed. The primary task is to soothe your child and handle their emotional needs, as this is most damaged by the symptoms of acid reflux. . check it out here  

Natural Acid Reflux Cures

"Natural Acid Reflux Cures - An Apple Kept Me Alive and the Cure Helped Me Come Alive"," In fact, acid reflux almost took his life after a stomach surgery in 1976. The year following his surgery consisted of vomiting 3 to 4 times a day because of the acid build up. After waking up at 7:00 in the morning, he realized he slept the whole night which ended a one-year streak of sleepless nights and nighttime acid reflux. He refused to take medication which only gave him acid reflux side-effects (some medications produce gastrin which can cause cancer) and he naturally cured acid reflux with a simple apple. But, if you experience heartburn more than twice a week, and if your heartburn gets worse after you eat or when you lie down or bend over, you probably have a more serious condition than heartburn. If you continue to ignore your acid reflux, you could literally destroy your esophagus. In fact, acid reflux is one of the simplest ailments to treat naturally because the cure is simply giving the body what it lacks. In fact, simple proper nutrition tips can actually eliminate acid reflux completely. After years of suffering, my dad is literally a new man after finding the cure for acid reflux by modifying his diet with simple dieting tips. Soft Food! Consuming soft foods allow your esophagus to heal. Crunchy is bad! Nuts, crackers, toast, popcorn, cookies, breakfast cereals will make your reflux situation worse by scratching your Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). Avoid Spicy and Acidic Foods! Spicy and Acidic foods can aggravate your LES and cause heartburn. 4. Drink Water! You should try to drink one tall glass of water after every meal to aid with digestion. I would also recommend carrying a food journal to document what you eat. Finally, take time to educate yourself on acid reflux and natural treatments. If you are interested in risk-free, guaranteed natural remedies please take a minute and visit our website. refluxremedy. And if you happen to be one of the 3% of the population with acid reflux that our remedy doesn't work for, I offer everyone a full 100% Money-Back Guarantee, no questions asked! You have nothing to lose. check it out here  

"A Look Into The Symptoms of Acid Reflux"

"A Look Into The Symptoms of Acid Reflux"," Even though there are so many people out there that suffer from this problem, there are even more people that do not know the symptoms of acid reflux. In adults, you will find that heartburn is the symptom that mainly classifies a present of acid in the esophagus. There are also many different findings in acid reflux as well which includes esophagitis which is also known as reflux esophagitis, there are also findings of inflammatory changes that take place in the mucosa which is referred to as the esophageal lining. There are patients that are suffering from acid reflux that only have one of the findings that are listed here. Other typical symptoms are burning chest pains and sinusitis along with nausea. When it comes to infants and children having acid reflux, there are some differences present. There are also other symptoms as well that you should take note of such as inconsolable crying and bad breath accompanied by belching as well as refusing foods. In the United States each year there are eight million babies that are born and out of those there are thirty five percent of them that are going to have difficulty with acid reflux in the first couple months of their life. Although there is a difference between the acid reflux treatments for adults and children, I am going to tell you about the acid reflux treatments that are available for adults. The acid reflux treatment using proton pump inhibitors are known to be the most effective when it comes to reducing the gastric acid secretion. Alginic Acid also known as Gaviscon used as an acid reflux treatment is known to coat the mucosa and also increase the pH levels and also decrease the reflux. When it comes to giving a diagnosis of acid reflux it is very important that the physician has a very detailed history about the patient because it plays a vital role in the actual diagnosis. There is also an investigation known as the esophagogastroduodenoscopy that can also be done as well which is normally done at the point and time that the physician sees that the patient is not responding well to treatment or at the time that symptoms that are known as alarms such as dysphasia and anemia as well as blood in the stool occur. One natural remedy for acid reflux is spring water. Another natural remedy for acid reflux that you may want to take into consideration is consuming a quality yogurt at different times within the day and accompanying it with two of the acidophilus capsules which are also known as bifodophilus capsules that have a high bacteria count. Now that you know a couple of the natural remedies for acid reflux maybe you can get some relief however please note that there are other natural remedies as well that you can also try. check it out here  

"Using Ceiling Fans and Light Attachments Together"

"Using Ceiling Fans and Light Attachments Together"," Ceiling fans are necessary in especially hot places, and rooms could become very uncomfortable without one. In the future I hope to have multiple ceiling fans placed strategically throughout the house, but that reality is many years away from happening. The most common is that of lighting. If you know you are going to want to use your ceiling fan as a light also, you might as well buy the whole package at the time of purchase. The cheaper types of ceiling fans are simple, and the light turns on with the fan and there is generally only one setting: On or Off. In the latter case, the fan is more expensive because of its extended capabilities, but many people like this range of choice and decision. Otherwise, you have some room in making your decision. WHAT'S UP

"Night Vision Goggles - Which Generation Are You?"

"Night Vision Goggles - Which Generation Are You?"," But most people do not realise that there are all types of different ones. It is classified by what we call the 'Generation' number of the model. Generation 1 or Gen 1 Night VisionĂ‚  Gen 1 is the lowest performance rating that you will find. The products are generally cheaper coming in nearer $100 and below. This, for example would be useful on a cloudy night with the full moon in the night sky. Generation 2 or Gen 2 night vision id designed to assist where there is not a full moon, but one of its phases, such as crescent. Think more in line with $400 to $1000 realistically. Gen 2 goggles are intended for more serious use, such as surveillance, hunting and camping in the wilderness. We are talking about the serious hunter who spends a lot of time in the woods. With Generation 2 goggles, you should be able to see clearly on a moonless night, when there is very little or low ambient light. If you don't, you will not get the sharp and crisp images you need. When we get to Generation 4 optics, then we are talking about military standard. . WHAT'S UP  

"Useful Tips in Starting a Fast Food Restaurant"

"Useful Tips in Starting a Fast Food Restaurant"," Most fast food chains started this business small and eventually became bigger, branching out as time passed. Here are some tips in starting a fast food restaurant. Make sure that this is the type of business you want and that you are prepared to shoulder everything, from the finances up to the hard work and stressful details. List the type of foods you want and narrow it down until you already have a list of what you will be selling. Aside from this, you need to have sufficient money to maintain it for at least two to three years. Find out about the health codes and zoning laws. Make sure that you have all the necessary permits and receipts when you open your restaurant. In that way, you are confident that you are investing your money in a big business that has better chances of earning profit. Think of ways on how you can make your fast food restaurant unique and what demographics you have that can attract people. Think of a good name for your restaurant. Sometimes it is a simple name that is related to the food but something that will stick onto the mind of your would-be customers. Highlight this on your menu. It pays to have people know what is upcoming. For your staff, start interviewing applicants in advance. Make sure that you hire a chef and a waiter that has ample experience and are very efficient. Make sure that they no criminal or negative offenses on their previous jobs. Market your own fast food restaurant. These are all essential when setting-up a fast food restaurant. Make sure that when you set up a restaurant or any business, you will have time for it. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT  

Friday, March 30, 2012

"Secrets Of A GREAT Looking Skin"

"Secrets Of A GREAT Looking Skin"," Great looking skin is not just about good genes. As we get older, there can be significant changes in the way our skin looks. Our skin's declining metabolism, coupled with the presence of free radicals, environmental pollution and sun exposure wears down our skin. As collagen diminishes, skin is subjected to wrinkling and sagging. We begin to see evidence of ageing in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, dry and rough skin texture, uneven skin tone, skin dullness, visible pores, age spots and lack of firmness. It should be infused with skin-loving vitamins and minerals to give your skin a whitening and rejuvenating boost that takes years aways from your complexion. This is very different from common skin care product which works only on the skin surface. This is known as the skin ""re-construction"" period, where light peeling and redness of the skin may be seen as this process accelerates the growth of healthy cells. You will love the feeling of seeing improvement of your skin day by day. You will love to look at yourself inside the mirror. The infusion of Vitamins A, C and E not only protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals and the elements. Vitamin A Lack of vitamin A causes the skin to become dry, rough and lacklustre. Vitamin A also promotes cell metabolism and blood circulation, giving your skin a healthy glow. It is proficient in skin whitening and fading of pigmentation and dark spots, inhibiting the formation of melanin concentration. Vitamin E By preventing the oxidation of lipids, Vitamin E effectively protects the skin from the assault of free radicals. With all these in mind, your skin will have a healthy and lustrous appearance you've always dream of.  




House Sitting Academy

The Secret In Healthy Looking Skin


"The Secret In Healthy Looking Skin, Then again, it is the sun that quite a few men and women tend to take too lightly that may bring about a great deal more harmful impact to our complexion. Presently there are actually not many options we have to steer clear of the sun. Most people experience the sunrays every single day that most people seem to get used to it. Our human skin is really influenced by the sun? What truly have an impact on our pores and skin is the ultraviolet rays arriving right from the sun. This is mainly because of a component of skin called melanin. Even more production of melanin from your skin, the darker it is going to become. Thus, people with darker skin have more melanin in the composition of the skin, therefore, less prone to skin lesions or burns caused by the sun rays. When the skin is exposed to the sun, more melanin is produced, so the skin gets darker. Suntan is in most cases not everlasting as over time, cells with more melanin proceed to the surface of the skin area, ending up in healthy looking body once again. An excessive amount of exposure to the sun might lead to skin cancers or different skin related conditions to surface. Perhaps you can cut down the outcome on your skin area by too much sun direct exposure. 

House Sitting Academy

"5 "Skin Wightening Tips","

"5 "Skin Wightening Tips"," In countries like Jamaica in the Caribbean it has gotten so large that the government actually started a nationwide educational campaign call ""Don't Kill The Skin"" This is because many people were using potentially dangerous skin bleaching creams that can cause permanent skin damage and problems to internal organs. Skin bleaching has also become a huge industry in places like China, Japan, India, the Middle East, etc. Regardless of why people are doing it, the fact is that people are doing it. Many feel that if you are going to do it then at the very least there should be some education about the subject. Think about how important, and serious, this can be. 2) Try Sun Block First: We all already know about sun block and sunscreen. However the sun shines all year and it can darken the skin by a shade or two all during the year. So replace your everyday body lotion with sunscreen lotion. You do not want to use something that says it will lighten your skin color without knowing exactly what is in it. 4) Don't Use Products With Hydroquinone: This is a chemical that is effective for skin lightening and was used for years. 5) Learn How To Lighten Skin Naturally: Why risk it? All of this can be completely avoided by learning how to lighten skin with natural ingredients. The topic of lighten, or whitening, of your natural skin color is highly controversial for lots of reasons. Many feel that people are doing it for all the wrong reasons. The bottom line is that, for whatever reasons, millions of people are doing it.  

"The Sun - The Most Powerful Enemy of Skin Whitening"  
"The Sun - The Most Powerful Enemy of Skin Whitening"," However, what many people tend to ignore when it comes to their skin is the harmful effect of the sun. First of all because there are very few ways in which we can stay out of its way. Because we got so used with it, sun no longer is seen as a threat. But why is sun a threat to human skin after all? Well, the ultraviolet rays which come from the sun are the ones which affect the skin. This is mainly because of a component of skin called melanin. The more melanin your skin produces, the darker it would be. Thus, people with darker skin have more melanin in the composition of the skin, thus are less prone to skin lesions or burns caused by the sun rays. When the skin is exposed to the sun, more melanin is produced, so the skin gets darker. This suntan can become dangerous when the skin is no longer able to produce enough melanin to protect the skin, thus the skin starts to get burned. However, there are times when the skin can be so affected that it would not recover in time, brown spots and darker patches remaining in place forever. This is why it is necessary to take safety measures each time you go out of the house, use sunscreen whenever it is necessary and limit the time you stay in the sun as much as possible. Protecting your skin from the invasive sunrays means protecting your health, so do not overlook this aspect when getting out of the house.  
Skin Whitening

"Choosing the Best Skin Whitening Cream"

"Choosing the Best Skin Whitening Cream"," It may take some time to find the perfect one, so you should never wait until it gets urgent.
 Nobody needs to get a rash or any type of problem from a skin product while trying to solve their initial difficulty.
 Chemicals will always set off reactions and you need to make sure that they will be positive on you.
 Studies have shown that a handful of natural ingredients can really change your skin forever, without any nasty side effects.
 This will offer you a lighter skin color and better skin condition overall.

Unlike chemicals, these ingredients won't have any side effects that might damage the skin.
 The vitamins which are used can reverse the visible part of the aging process and make it regenerate cells.

Brands are not important, ingredients make all the difference.

In conclusion, you can easily find the right skin whitening cream if you take a closer look at each product.

"Skin Whitening - Whiten Skin 100% Naturally and Safely"

"Skin Whitening - Whiten Skin 100% Naturally and Safely"," It make only sense to use 100% natural ingredients that contains natural nutriments that can only be good for you. In some cases science and technology does us good. Especially in the skin treatment department. The short term results are quite noticeable but what will it do to your skin in the long term. When it comes to skin treatment, the only way to get permanent and long lasting results is to use natural and fresh ingredients which you need to apply on a regular basis. But for this article, I want to put the emphases on skin whitening treatments. The two most popular ones for quick results are chemical peel and laser treatment. The problem with chemical peels is that it requires more than one intervention to get results since the skin needs to be constantly peel to get the new and fresh skin layer out. The problem with laser treatment is that it is very expensive. And again, all these method simply don't make sense to me. You only have one body and when it comes to skin you cannot mess up in this area. Whiten skin is a long process that takes time and effort but when done properly will give you strong and permanent bright whiten skin.  
Skin Whitening   

"The Real Cause of Stress - It Isn't What You Think"

"The Real Cause of Stress - It Isn't What You Think"," Knowing what causes stress in the first place is the first step to reducing the amount of stress in your life. So what is the real cause of stress - it isn't what you think it is. Their workplace, their spouse, their finances, or even their neighbors. Luckily, these outward situations and circumstances are NOT the cause of our stress. If the real cause of our stress was created by our surrounding environment it would mean that we had no control over the stress in our lives and we would be doomed to live with stress until things changed around us. Yes, we are. Stress is a result of how we perceive the situations and circumstances around us, not the circumstances themselves. When we are lying awake at night because we are worried and stressed about finances - what is the real cause of the stress? Not the finances themselves but our minds and our thoughts about our finances. Stress is actually just an emotion, it isn't a real thing you can hold or throw or give away. The next time time you find yourself feeling stressed, stop and focus on what you were thinking about that caused you to feel stressed. You could try to create alternate endings that are positive, or let your imagination create silly outcomes, or simply decide that you are will to be perfectly fine with whatever happens. So the next time you are worried about your finances, realize that it is only your thoughts that are focused on not having enough, and find a way to change how your see the situation. Who knows what can happen, so play with your thoughts until you find one that allows you to feel better. . check it out here  

"The Real Cause of Relationship Breakups - How to Avoid It"

"The Real Cause of Relationship Breakups - How to Avoid It"," Instead many other things are blamed for the breakup but the real cause is seldom dealt with. In fact, if you asked a party to the breakup years after it happened they still would not be able to tell you the real reason. Cheating. No doubt this is a good reason for breaking up but it is not the real cause. At some time during a relationship, financial problems are bound to arise. When things get tight we become worried and irritable. This too can become a serious problem, but it is not the real cause of relationship breakups. Children. Many victims of a relationship breakup will blame the inability to agree on the ways to raise them and the time involved in doing so as the reason for the breakup. This can no doubt be a very big contributor to lack of relationship harmony. It can lead to the cheating and disinterest. . check it out here  


Relationship Breakups   

"The Real Cause of Back Pain"

"The Real Cause of Back Pain"," Stress hurts, and not just an emotional hurt, but it causes a physical hurt as well. Back pain can begin when we repress things, especially things like anger, fear or rage. This can lead to years of incorrect diagnosis and medications that could in fact be doing more harm than good. Every time we feel some sort of emotional distress, it's like piling on another weight. The result is debilitating pain and the inability to function in daily life. Some suggest that up to 75% of back pain is caused by emotional problems. More and more, people are ignoring their own needs. It just gets pushed to the back of their minds. You may be saying that's easier said than done, and sometimes it is. Others can find relief by getting a relaxing massage. In the more extreme cases, counselors can help as well. Aromatherapy can help in a few different ways. The sense of smell is the only sense that we have that connects directly to the brain. So the relaxing effects can be felt almost immediately. Our skin is the largest organ we have and when oils are applied to the skin, the beneficial compounds in the oils enter the blood stream quite rapidly, also helping to bring relief. Give it a try and see for yourself. check it out here  



"What is the Real Cause of Acne and Why Don't Others Tell You?"

"What is the Real Cause of Acne and Why Don't Others Tell You?"," I didn't have any joy in clearing up my acne in the first few years of suffering from it. The list is endless and the acne continued. But then I found out the truth about acne. So here it is. It's specifically caused by imbalanced hormones. But the good news is that by balancing our hormones, our acne completely clears up. And none of them include antibiotics or expensive pills. One natural way is avoid certain foods that cause hormonal imbalance. Then I just applied some other hormonal balance tricks and finished the job. Vegetable oils cause a lot of hormonal imbalance and make you break out within hours and for days after. check it out here  



"Exposing the Real Causes of Acne"

"Exposing the Real Causes of Acne"  


"Exposing the Real Causes of Acne"," The fact is however, that bacteria is not the cause of acne. It's actually normal and healthy. Acne bacteria only begins to form the symptoms of acne when something within the body is out of balance. Even slight imbalances can cause this but they can addressed quite easily. Learn from the signals that your body is showing you. Dermatologists, however, will deny this and stick by their stance that the bacteria is to blame. So it's not in their best interests to let you in on this little secret. Not only will you save money but the results will be far better and you'll be addressing all your internal problems at the same time. check it out here  


Thursday, March 29, 2012

" "Latin American Women - Why We Love Sexy Brazilian, Colombian, Peruvian, and Mexican Girls."

" "Latin American Women - Why We Love Sexy Brazilian, Colombian, Peruvian, and Mexican Girls."," In Mexico you will find stunning Latin girls descended from the indigenous black-haired Aztec beauties and the Spanish and Portuguese. Brazilian women are descended not only from a mix of Europeans and Native Americans, but also from African women who were brought over to the New World as slaves, so it is no wonder that these jaw-dropping Brazilian babes are so exotically beautiful. With such a variety and healthy mixture of genes from all over the world, it is hardly amazing that Latin women are the image of beauty with their curvaceous tanned bodies gleaming in the tropical sun! Latin women look for men who are honest and kind. Still, for a Latin woman these things come second to a man who sincerely loves her and shows it. Treat a Latin girl like a princess and you'll be sure to sweep her off her feet! A good education and sense of responsibility are also important things Latin women look out for in a man, especially Argentine women, Brazilian women and Colombian women. Most Latin women, and particularly Mexican women, call themselves Catholic, although modern Latin women are not as religious as their mothers and grandmothers used to be. When you think of Latin women, one of the first things that comes to mind is the soulful Latin music and sexy girls swaying to charming rhythmic beats. You may know Latin music through pop stars like Shakira, but this music is not necessarily the music Colombian girls enjoy dancing to! There are lots of other kinds of music, such as salsa, meringue and samba, for you to discover, each with their specific sexy dancing styles. Foreign men are just as attracted by a Latin girl's affectionate character and relaxed and optimistic attitude. Latin women make terrific girlfriends, brides and mothers because their culture has taught them to always put their family and their husband first. It's no wonder that so many foreign men are looking for friendship and love with Ecuadorian women, Costa Rican women, Argentine girls, Guatemalan women, or any other kind of Latin American bride. WHAT'S UP  



Click Here For Killer Mentalism!

"All Set For a Sexy Halloween Party"

"All Set For a Sexy Halloween Party"," What can you do, though, to add a bit of spice to the annual horror fest, without drifting too far from the traditional Halloween themes and practices? Setting the Sexy Party Scene To achieve a sexy Halloween atmosphere for your party, you can make use of many of the usual Halloween props. If your friends are hosting the party, then you could always take the initiative, suggest the sensual ambience, and then offer to help get it all set up. So, if your home, or one room of your home, is set for a traditional Halloween scene, with low lights, and hidden horrors, it need only take one catalyst to turn that very same atmosphere into a sensual one. Strips of black lights can be very effective at creating horror effects, illuminating fluorescent paint graphics, and they can also make white surfaces glow and dark surfaces disappear. The same applies to strobe lights. They can also help to provide the mood for a more sensual interlude later. Glow bulbs are a great innovation for some really weird lighting effects. Finally, never forget the candles, associated with romantic evenings, seduction, witches brewing their evil brews, and vampires drooling over their poor victim in the dungeon, about to sink those fangs into her defenceless neck. Dressing For A Sexy Halloween Party If you are inviting people to your home for a Halloween party, then you can advise them in advance that it will be a sexy theme. Finding that outfit will be much easier for the women than the men. Popular girls' and women's costumes that are most popular with the guys can also serve for Halloween. There are loads more ideas to choose from, though, including seductive schoolgirls, revealing nurse's uniforms, French maids. The only problem for the ladies is choosing from such a vast range of possibilities. With all that sexiness on view and display, it would surely be a sexy Halloween party. Then, have a sexy dancing contest for men and women. Just imagine playing that game, and the dancing, in a sexy Greek toga or other sexy Halloween costume! Whatever you decide, have fun! . WHAT'S UP  
Sexy Halloween Party

"Direct Mail for Fast Food Restaurants"

"Direct Mail for Fast Food Restaurants"," The spend lots of money on landscaping, lighting, signage, drive thrus and branding to insure traffic. However, often they fail to realize that many locals do not bother to come in to eat. A robust yet inexpensive marketing and advertising program might do the trick. By sending out direct-mail marketing coupon packages to all of the households within a 10-mile radius of a fast food restaurant will ensure good local traffic. Direct mail and direct-mail marketing has always worked good for fast food restaurants as it is a cheap and efficient way to advertise. . WHAT'S UP  



House Sitting Academy

"Practical Weight Loss Tips - 7 Ways To Eat Right At Fast Food Restaurants"

"Practical Weight Loss Tips - 7 Ways To Eat Right At Fast Food Restaurants"," You're going to be pulling up in line, about to reach the little speaker where you put in your order, or get up to the counter, where you'll be asked ""What do you want?"" here at the home of the big burger/jumbo fries/super milkshake/extra topping pizza/crispy fried chicken/best donuts/monster gulp, etc. Wise weight loss plan followers approach this scenario with a strategy that does not include being seduced by feel-bad food, mega-buck advertising or just being so hungry/tired/stressed they'll eat almost anything. It's also too short to spend in a lumpy, sluggish body that doesn't have enough flexibility or enough energy and that it shames you to inhabit. No news there. Here are some suggestions, and all of these can be tucked into your tote or briefcase, as you head out in the morning, to eat half an hour or so before you reach the restaurant: one of the small servings of low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt (not fruit bottom, which has added sugar); a small apple or pear; a single-serving oatmeal (add to a half cup of boiling water - easy to do in the microwave) or a low-fat, no-sugar energy bar. Often, we confuse hunger with thirst - and your body needs more water before your brain gets the thirst signal. One piece of pizza with water or a diet drink (tea or coffee black) and a green side salad (small amount of vinaigrette dressing - half the packet they give you) is a sensible weight loss lunch or dinner. At the burger joint, get the grilled (not fried or breaded) chicken sandwich, on whole wheat if possible - or just don't eat the bun. Skip the fries and drink water or diet pop (diet soda). Your strategy: black coffee or tea, chicken or turkey sandwich on whole wheat or a whole wheat bagel or English muffin, with honey or low-fat cream cheese. Absolutely skip the fries and other extras, such as the high-calorie potato salad. Request extra veg (tomato and lettuce) on your sandwich. My suggestion (if you must go) is to use a cheat day, order the platter to share, and indulge. Chances are, you will have had far too much, calorie-wise - but this is cheat day, so one that one day (per month or so), let yourself enjoy a bit of fast food indulgence, knowing that you are right back on your healthy eating plan, not tomorrow but today (and every day until the next allowed cheat day). WHAT'S UP  



House Sitting Academy

"Can You Eat Healthy in a Fast Food Restaurant?"

"Can You Eat Healthy in a Fast Food Restaurant?"," The twist that really made this option take off was the ready-to-eat approach pioneered by McDonalds. With this early menu, fast food acquired a reputation for being high calorie fare with lots of fats and salt. However, in the 1980's, the fast food industry realized that they needed to offer healthier food options. Today, there are a lot of options you can choose from to make your meal a healthy one. McDonalds has put in place a number of menu choices that give healthy eaters plenty to choose from. By choosing the grilled chicken option, you avoid the higher fat content from frying the crisy chicken. These wraps include a sauce, lettuce and grated cheese. Wendys has their entry in both of these areas as well. They have a chicken wrap as well. Burger King has a base salad with grilled or crispy chicken, they also offer a side salad as an alternative choice for their combo meals. There are also healthy snack options, such as fruit parfaits at McDonalds, and kids meal options that include fruit. If you just want a grilled chicken breast, just ask for it. If you get creative, there are a lot of ways to make your menu choice a healthy choice. Give one of these a try the next time you want to skip the burger and fries! . WHAT'S UP  



House Sitting Academy

"Part Time Jobs For Teens at Fast Food Restaurants"

"Part Time Jobs For Teens at Fast Food Restaurants"," There are lots of choices out there for you for part time jobs. Where do you want to work? There are lots of different kinds of part time jobs available in different areas. One common place to work part time as a teenager is at a restaurant. There are fast food restaurants, diners, semi- in between restaurants, and fancy restaurants. If you want to do just about any job available there short of washing the floors, you need experience and you might have to be older, such as if you're going to serve alcohol. You might able to get a job and start with hosting or clearing tables first and then later move on to waiting tables. Getting a job at a fast food restaurant is not hard. These jobs don't really require any skills, but they don't pay that great either, so you have to keep that in mind. I guarantee you won't love it, but you will get paid. Working at any kind of restaurant is not easy. If you are that person, get the job and stick with it. . WHAT'S UP  



House Sitting Academy