"Fish Oil Pills Vs Cod Liver Oil: Which Is the Better Omega-3 Source?"
" "Fish Oil Pills Vs Cod Liver Oil: Which Is the Better Omega-3 Source?"," You can eat the flesh of the fish itself, but most people prefer taking supplements because they contain concentrated amounts of omega-3 fats. Is there a difference between the two? Which one is a better source of omega-3 fats? Fish oil and cod liver oil Let's take a look at where these two supplements come from. Cod liver is obtained from the liver of white fish like halibut and cod. But the biggest difference between the two is that fish oil contains only EPA and DHA, while cod liver has high amounts of vitamins A and D. The presence of vitamins A and D in fish liver might place you at risk for an overdose of these two vitamins, especially if you are pregnant. What you should be careful about is its vitamin A content. In pregnant women, a dose higher than 10,000 IU per day may increase the risk of birth defects. Omega-3 rich fish have the highest concentration of ocean pollutants because of their environment and because they consume smaller fish that may have been exposed to toxins. The safer source of omega-3s Although both oils contain DHA and EPA, fish oil pills has twice the amount of total omega-3 fats than cod liver oil. Cod liver oil might be a good alternative to fish oil during the winter months, when the lack of sunlight can place you at risk for a vitamin D deficiency. CAN YOU TRUST WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE

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