"How Safe Are Fish Oil Supplements?"," In March 2010, however, the prestigious position fish oil supplements enjoyed was suddenly shaken when eight fish oil supplement companies were slammed with a lawsuit by the Mateel Environmental Justice Foundation and two environmentalists from New Jersey for detectable amounts of PCBs present in their brand of fish oil supplements.
With more than 100 fish oil brands in the market, just how concerned should we be about the quality of these supplements?
This lawsuit has stirred up a heated controversy, and before being swayed by either side, facts should be carefully weighed against findings.
What are PCBs?
Polychlorinated biphenyl compounds, or PCBs, are industrial chemicals.
PCBs were used as insulating material for transformers and capacitors.
In 2001, a worldwide ban on PCBs was imposed through a United
Scientists have yet to determine safe amounts for consumption of PCBs and therefore, the controversy reigns.
Since safety consumption levels have not been determined for PCBs, California law requires companies to warn consumers if their capsules contain detectable amounts of PCBs.
"" [Source:Wikipedia]
The Specifics
California's Prop 65 follows a more conventional standard than the rest of the States.
This is a higher safety consumption level than California's 90-nanogram per day ruling.
The liver is the detoxifying organ which filters toxins from the body.
Only 10 supplements were tested by the Mateel Environmental Justice Foundation.
According to Consumer Lab, ""The good news is that every omega-3 supplement in this review and quality rating guide lacked any detectable mercury and passed contamination limits for lead and PCBs.
The Council for Responsible Nutrition states:
""The bottom line is that consumers, whether they live in California or elsewhere, should continue to feel confident in the safety and efficacy of their fish oil supplements.
The health benefits for fish oil far outweigh any suggested, and unsupported, risks.
There are no adverse affects associated with the consumption of fish oil supplements when taken in healthy doses.
This type of supplement contains fish oil that is molecularly distilled, a process that takes place in a vacuum.
Triple Strength Omega-3 contains fish oil that has been molecularly distilled.
The total strength of omega 3 fatty acids is 2000 mg per serving and it has a DHA and EPA total of 1200 mg.

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