If you are learning to play guitar chords, hopefully you have mastered some of the basics. Sometimes, playing individual chords is easy, however when you start moving in one to another one, it can get complicated.
To progress, you're going to need to learn the way to switch among chords rapidly. This takes practice, but you can quickly get used to it. Once you start to master this, you can move onto chord progressions.
Practice this progression first E minor to G. Strum the E minor chord four times, and count aloud 1,2,3,4, while you do this. Try to keep a stable rhythm ? make use of a metronome, slowly if necessary, as this may help.
Now move to the G major chord, once again counting 1,2,3,4. After 4, move back to E minor. Just keeping moving over between these 2 chords ? E minor 1,2,3,4, G major 1,2,3,4. Keep at it. After a while it will become almost second nature to you. You're performing a chord progression. Once you feel comfortable, change things around a little. Count 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND 4. Strum down on the count, and up on the ?AND?. You are now playing downstrokes and upstrokes, and even these 2 simple chords begin to sound exciting.
Once you've mastered this progression you are ready to attempt another. Take your time as a guitar novice, don't try to run before you can walk. In the way that you kept practicing E minor to G major until it felt normal, so you need to do the same with these.
Try out the progression from E major to A major, counting in the same way as before. E major 1,2,3,4, A major 1,2,3,4. When this feels comfy, try changing it like this: 2 beats on E major, then 2 beats on A major. So this could be E major (1,2) A major (1,2).
Keep doing these 2 beat parts. It will test your ability to switch, and get you accustomed to it faster. This progression is also referred to as I IV progression, and you will find it used in several songs in your guitar tuition course.

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