Thursday, May 31, 2012

"Conversation-Stopper - Why Don't the Space Shuttle and Space Station Fall to Earth?"

"Conversation-Stopper - Why Don't the Space Shuttle and Space Station Fall to Earth?"," Gravity - the attractive force between two masses (or bodies - the product of their masses divided by the square of the distance between the two centers) - does act continually and everywhere; the answer, therefore, is that the Shuttle, Space Station and Moon are each traveling at high speeds and (corresponding) heights, circling Earth, as does the Earth in its orbit around the Sun - and that all are always ""falling around"" the curvature, e. of the Earth. The same is true throughout the universe, and while attractive forces exist between all bodies in the Universe, each to each other, the factor of distance-squared in the denominator effectively eliminates the significance of all other bodies in comparison to the two involved in satellite orbiting. At the completion of the mission, to return to Earth, the Orbiter is slowed slightly - dropping closer to Earth - smashing into individual air molecules, which are ""vaporized"" by the impact - a tiny pulse of both ""drag"" (causing further slowing and lowering of the Shuttle) and also of ""heat"". The concept of the Space Shuttle is remarkably and functionally (and beautifully) simple and reliable - as a result of reliance upon this function of insulation - in an absolutely hostile, unforgiving space environment of cryogenic iciness plus vacuum. The tiles are individually designed for the anticipated reentry temperatures, 6x6 inches in size and average about 1 inch in depth; Inside, they are comprised of extremely long, fine filaments of quartz, compressed into the vacuumized tile volume, with a covering of thin glass. Tile surfaces are relatively easily damaged, the inside appearance likened to white styrofoam - however, when the outside temperature is 3000 degrees F, the backside (attached to the aluminum structure of the Orbiter by ordinary RTV Room Temperature Vulcanizer) - is only 80 degrees F. However, because of the tremendous insulating capability of the tiles, a greatly simplified and reliable Space Shuttle concept has been achievable: The Orbiter vehicle itself was essentially designed and constructed much as a conventional aircraft - its only flight function, landing after reentry, uses conventional flight controls, tires and brakes (the landing speed is similar to a commercial jet aircraft, about 160 mph). The most powerful and efficient rocketry arrangement is therefore designed for the lift-off sequence: two solid rockets (approximately twelve feet in diameter), plus the three Orbiter engines (fueled by the large center fuel-oxidizer tank); all five are fired simultaneously for maximum thrust at lift-off (approximately seven million pounds thrust required) - along with the giant ground-retention explosive bolts at the base of the solid rockets (only attachment of the entire assemblage to the launch platform). A human-interest worry about mankind's 21st century ""Space adventures"" is space debris - the remains of space-hardware rocketry that have not, as yet, returned to Earth. The larger ones are monitored - just recently, March 5, 2009, warnings about a possible strike of the International Space Station forced the US astronauts to take shelter in the parked Russian Soyuz capsule. The NASA Orbital Debris Program Office is at Johnson Space Center, reporting that about 13,000 such threats are constantly tracked, of about 600,000 total debris items. TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  



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"The Future of Private Space Flight and Some Concerns With Sensitive Technology Discussed"

"The Future of Private Space Flight and Some Concerns With Sensitive Technology Discussed"," It was a highly successful program, and it had delivered over three decades with an incredible safety record, much better than was anticipated. NASA should be commended. More or less, this is a practice run, but it is a good sign for the future. Sounds great to me, of course I am worried about that technology being used by rogue nation-states to further develop ICBM technologies, not that they can't buy such hardware from China, but it is a problematic challenge in a less than peaceful world in the present period. He also was not too comfortable with the talk about canceling the International Space Station by the Obama Administration, and wasn't too keen on the cancellation of the space shuttle program. e. I think we can do better than the Space Shuttle, we have better technologies now of course. We ought to have a base station on Mars, and colony on the moon by now and space hotels too, perhaps at LaGrange Points. I tell you socialism is a real problem in this county, it will destroy this great nation if we let it. The article stated; ""NASA is at a crossroads. ""I firmly believe if we lose this talent, it won't be to another state or industry, but to another country,"" and ""Logically, I understand that it's time to retire the Space Shuttle and move on to something else, the frustrating thing is that there doesn't seem to really be a plan that's specific in the details for that something. We are not a weak society, or a weak civilization, and we must propel mankind; because if we do not take a leadership role, who on this earth will? Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. . TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST THIS ONCE CLICK HERE  

"Space Tourism - Your Shot at Outer Space Exploration"

"Space Tourism - Your Shot at Outer Space Exploration"," If you are not scheduled to fly on the Space Shuttle as a professional astronaut by the Shuttle's retirement date of 2010, maybe space tourism is your thing. You could become a science fiction celebrity. Mohave, you will recall, was the site of SpaceShipOne's X-Prize-winning flights. Picturesque, no? Probably just a negotiating ploy. You could become a teacher. Besides providing great PR and a tax write-off, this marketing strategy gives companies a direct link to the next generation of space travelers through people they presumably admire and respect. The Tokyo Broadcasting System paid a reported $12 million for the flight. As an aside, the Russians rushed a group of Soviet reporters to a space ""bootcamp"" after many griped about a Japanese citizen becoming the first journalist in space. As astronaut Story Musgrave has said, we've got to get spaceflight into the culture, or it will die. Or you could go with a government job. The Europeans, too, are looking to expand their astronaut corps, according to Aviation Week & Space Technology. Virgin Galactic's boss Sir Richard Branson is planning something called ""Astronaut Idol"", in which six contestants will vie for a spot on one of his spaceships. Of course, you COULD win the lottery. An editorial in Ad Astra, the magazine of the National Space Society, suggested it again this past January (2006). The idea didn't originate with Buzz. 99 chance for a trip to the Russian Mir space station (no longer existent). The Founding Great Grandfathers did a little better. Start small. You can fly to the edge of space on a Russian MIG-25 for about $15,000. Any adult, or a child, can attend the U. Space Camp at Huntsville, Alabama for as little as $400. Aided by the ""iron horse"" of the American Space Shuttle and the Russian Soyuz, and all the innovative vehicles of the space tourism industry, outer space is the new Wild West. That ticket to space is practically in hand. TRY SOMETHING NEW JUST CLICK HERE  


"Where Is Heaven?"

"Where Is Heaven?"," Answers generally based on individual religious or theological belief, rather than an explanation or demonstration of whether or not heaven exists as an actually physical locale. If it is a physically tangible locale, that would seem simple enough to understand. But if this view is correct, where do we look to locate heaven. Is it a state or condition of the mind, a certain consciousness? According to Wikipedia, the free internet encyclopedia, the etymology of the word Heaven derives from the word heven from around 1159 AD, which came from the earlier Old English heofon from around 1000 AD referring to the Christianized ""place where God dwells"" but which earlier meant ""sky, firmament"". According to Hindu cosmology there are six Heavenly levels the Loka's. In Judaism Malkuth Hashamaim ( the Kingdom of Heaven) has seven levels. Practically every description, gives us an area away from earth somewhere in the sky! If we are indeed in search of a tangibly physical realm, in which direction do we look? If two people standing at opposite poles of the earth, two people at opposite points of the globe were to head away from earth in search of heaven, would either of them find it? If it isn't a matter of direction, is it a matter of distance? Steveland Morris, better known as 'Stevie Wonder' used to sing ""They say that Heaven is Ten Zillion light years away"". I'm 'going to' paraphrase Douglas Adams (1952-2001) who is quoted in Richard Dawkins book ' The God Delusion', as saying ""Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?"" Likewise isn't it enough that the heavens are so awesome, that we needn't be awed by a belief that they're occupied by angels and a heavenly father? I'd like to list some authors, books and websites, for your perusal. . 




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House Sitting Academy

"Real Cause of Toenail Infections"

"Real Cause of Toenail Infections"," To become infected firstly the nail bed would first need to be cut to allow the fungal spore to be introduced. These types of wounds are more likely to cause bacterial infection. More and more we see people who have had an infection that has spread to all ten toes but the causative mechanism is not necessarily a bad pedicure. Toenail fungus may in fact be the result of an internal fungal infection where that human body, in order to deal with these infection causing organisms discharges them through the skin. This increased activity can provide a great site for discharging the internal fungal infection organisms. This occurs commonly through the food material that is ingested. Much of the food that humans consume can contain high levels of fungus and mycotoxins. Certain foods have a higher concentration of mycotoxins then others. Grains will have what is considered as ""universal contamination"" due to the fact they contain many different types of fungi. Any food high in sugar including fruit can be included in this grouping. Once present within the GI tract the fungus can easily spread to colonize the entire tract. The consumption of fermented and acidic foods will accelerate the process. The overuse of antibiotics is known to damage healthy gut flora and can allow the overgrowth of fungus. Other conditions which can cause issues are things like digestive disorders, diabetes, chronic adrenal stress and heavy metal toxicity. . check it out here  

"What is the Real Cause of Climate Warming You Ask?"

"What is the Real Cause of Climate Warming You Ask?"," It has been and indeed still is argued by many that the Earth's atmospheric temperatures are not heating up much, thus, merely within a range or normal climate cycle - warming periods versus ice ages. Last week, I was discussing this with a climate expert, someone who has studied global warming for nearly 3-decades, and he was explaining that ""The sun's irradiance is trap, causing the surface temperature to rise, just like in an actual green house. The results are a temperature rise within the green house. Still, there are many reasons that temperatures heat up in a biosphere, weather artificial like the one in Tucson, AZ or the Earth's biosphere itself. Indeed, all the global warming alarmists could be purposely miss-reading data or just ignorant academic scientists playing for more research dollars. The ocean could heat up from underwater volcanic activity too, lots of things can cause the planet's atmosphere to heat up, that is ""if"" it is, and even ""if"" it were, so what? My acquaintance noted that; ""In winter the greenhouse gas theory makes no sense, because there's not suppose to be enough irradiance from the sun for any green house gases to trap in winter. But if it is heating up, why is it heating up? Solar flares, underground volcanoes, space weather, gamma bursts, solar maximum solar flares, what? Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this. check it out here  



"Understanding Acid Reflux Problem In Babies"

"Understanding Acid Reflux Problem In Babies"," It is pathetic to see the babies who do not know any other way to communicate their pain but to cry inconsolably. Acid reflux in babies normally occurs after feed. So, how does one conclude that the spitting up is due to acid reflux and not any other problem? Let us first look at the symptoms of acid reflux disease. More than 50% of the babies experience acid reflux symptoms during the first three months of age. Symptoms of Acid reflux Problem in Babies In case of young babies, acid reflux is also known as ""spitting - up"". In addition to this, there can be difficulties in feeding; some babies typically arch their back while trying to avoid feeds. Also the baby may pass blood in stool or vomit brown or green colored liquid. Acid reflux occurs due to the relaxed lower esophageal sphincter muscle. When the baby feeds, the stomach extends and the sphincter valve opens up to pass the contents as vomit into the food pipe. However, in case of babies there is no evidence of the occurrence of heart burn. Also the babies with acid reflux problem will have poor sleeping habits and difficulties in sleeping. It is tough to handle a child with acid reflux and the parents can be completely exhausted. They remain quite happy and satisfied even when dressed in spit from top to bottom!!! Preventive Measures for Acid Reflux Problems in Babies With a little precaution and preventive measures, parents may overcome the acid reflux problem in babies. Even when laying down the baby in the bed, it must be ensured that there head remains inclined at an angle of 30 degrees. Overfeeding can result in acid reflux and spitting. In addition to this, babies with acid reflux problems should be made to wear lighter clothes that are not tight near the stomach and waist area. In some cases, mixing rice cereals with formula may reduce the acid reflux problems in babies. Final word for Acid Reflux Suffering Babies The final word is to the parents of the babies, who suffer from acid reflux disease. As the child grows, this problem goes off on its own in most of the cases. The parents must be aware of the symptoms of acid reflux and take proper precautions. . check it out here  



"The Real Cause of Acne"

"The Real Cause of Acne"," If you suffer from having acne, then you should start to look towards the root cause of acne and work at solving that. What causes that? When you solve the root reason for the acne, your skin will stay clear for good. There are different viewpoints and ideas from everybody. So many conflicting ideas make it really hard for someone trying to clear their face to follow one idea without breaking the rules of another. Now, some of these remedies may work for some people, but from my experience, most of them don't do anything. So, the big question is what is the cause of acne? I've narrowed this down to two very big reasons. When you eat foods, your body will end up becoming unbalanced and this can lead to acne. The next step is to start avoiding those aggravating foods and counter them with more balancing foods. check it out here  

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bad Breath Home Remedies That Work!

"Bad Breath Home Remedies That Work!"," When I

use a store bought mouth wash it stings during the process

and afterwards I'm left with my mouth open, waiting for the

pain to go away, all the while salivating all over the floor.

 While searching for alternative

methods I quickly learned there are many bad breathe home

remedies which have been used for thousands of years. And

they're easy to use or make.

Top Seven Bad Breath Home Remedies

Bad breath home remedy #1: Herbs

Instead of toting around breath mints to fight bad breath

after a meal, carry a tin or baggie of herbs such as mint

(the real one), thyme, fennel, cinnamon, anise, or cloves.

Bad Breath home remedy #2: Baking soda

You know baking soda as an ingredient in recipes, however

it is also used in laundry and refrigerators to combat

 Simply add some to

your toothbrush, add a little water, scrub and rinse.
 This is also

a remedy used to help get rid of a sore throat.

Many essential oils have qualities that can fight bad


For mouth wash, add one drop of Myrrh oil to warm water.
 It is also meant to be eaten to help fight

bad breath from odorous meals.

Bad breath home remedy #7: Apple cider vinegar

For such an odd smelling liquid, vinegar has many uses and

can help cure quite a few ailments.

Three Common Products that Don't Fight Bad Breath

So, what doesn't work to fight bad breath? In 2002 The

American Academy of Periodontology surveyed members about

the least effective bad breath home remedies used by their


Ineffective bad breath home remedies #1: Overusing


This can actually make your bad breath worse by

contributing to a dry mouth.

Ineffective bad breath home remedies #3: Chewing gum

Chewing gum, like breath mints, is not good for fighting

bad breath since it only hides the smell.

If you are looking for a way to fight bad breath that is

inexpensive and inoffensive, give some of these bad breathe

home remedies a try.



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A Cure For Bad Breath - Will You Seek Professional Help

"A Cure For Bad Breath - Will You Seek Professional Help?"," Another

35% suffer from bad breath, but do not seek professional

help when over-the-counter products fail.

What? Professional help? Aren't the only bad breath cures

available on the shelves of the local grocery store?

Mistakenly, that is what many people believe.
 This can affect a person's

self-esteem and quality of life.
 Many people who suffer from bad breath bury their

heads under the sand, throw in the towel, and suffer.
 And you don't have to spend the money in seeking

professional help to find that cure.

How to Cure Bad Breath?

Since bad breath is caused by excessive oral bacteria, to

cure bad breath you must use products that bring the

bacteria back to levels that don't cause bad breath.
 A good

start is to lay off the high-protein diets, eliminate dry

mouth, cease smoking, stop drinking alcohol and reduce your

usage of oral products and foods with alcohol in them.
 Also, if

you are diabetic, suffer from sinus problems or take

medications that cause dry mouth or bad breath, these

suggestions may be a mute point.
 This cannot be done with mouthwashes or mints.
 More importantly, technology

and medical research on the causes of bad breath have made

breath mints and minty mouth washes archaic forms of bad

breath cures.
 Despite the new

information and product development, people are too

embarrassed about their bad breath to seek out new

solutions, which is probably why you are reading this

article online!

While searching for new products developed using the new

research that bacteria causes bad breath, we came across

 A reliable source, we thought, who uses

the following products on his patients who want to cure bad

 AktivOxigen tablets were created based on research

performed by leading bacterial experts.

 Nasal-Sinus drops in conjunction with the

ActivOxigen tablets can cure the bad breath.
 Did you know that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) has been

proven to be linked to canker sores which also create bath

breath? SLS is found in toothpaste and mouthwash as the

ingredient that creates foaming.

There you have it, the cure for bad breath.
 Either way,

remember there is no shame in your condition and do not be

afraid to seek help.



Causes of Bad Breath: New Research Reveals True Cause

"Causes of Bad Breath: New Research Reveals True Cause"," Medications (including allergy medications) cause bad breathe

 Mouthwash with alcohol causes bad breath

 Dry mouth causes bad breath

The fact is that everyday common over-the-counter hygiene

products, beverages an medications can be the "mysterious"

cause of your bad breath! Medications and alcohol dry out

the mouth, creating less saliva which leads to less oxygen

in the mouth.
 In short simple terms, oral bacteria

cause bad breath.
 At night your mouth is at rest and

drier than in waking hours, so bacteria grow.
Likewise, when you are sick and congested, possibly breathing out of your mouth, you probably noticed your breath smells.

How do I Avoid the Bacteria That Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath is caused by excessive bacteria in the mouth.
 Surprisingly, those commercials

and ads that tell us to pop a mint or use a mouth wash to

deal with bad breath are always accurate.
 How so? The

bacteria that cause bad breath live and breed beneath the

tongue's surface, on the tonsils and in the throat, not on

the surface where it can be scraped or brushed off or

dissolved with a wash or mint.

Does Food Cause Bad Breath?

You bet your garlic breadsticks they do.
 If you regularly consume these foods, it can create

higher amounts of bacteria and lead to halitosis.
 Researchers are still searching for a reason why

some people are prone to develop more of the beneficial

bacteria, which in bulk are no longer beneficial because

they cause bad breathe
 Okay, sounds complicated, right? In other words, make sure you are using the right type of bad breath eliminator to do the job for you.
 These give your mouth a strong taste, which then leads you to believe if your mouth tastes "medicated" or minty, then your breath must smell good.



Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Learn Sign Language

Learning a new language can be mind-boggling. How much more for sign language? You should continuously remind yourself that sign language might be challenging and is more than moving your hands and when you gain knowledge about it, you would absolutely find it really valuable.

Words into hand signals isn't just what sign language means. How sign language works is of excellent relevance. It is also a fact that not all English word has its related hand signals that ultimately makes people shocked. There is a lot more to sign language compared to what you believe it is since eye contact, how your hands move and how the body works with it. Eye to eye contact is extremely important and withdrawing it marks the end of the dialogue.

Nevertheless, you must bear in mind that sign language is not common. The 4th extensively used language in America is BLS as well as ALS which at some point shows that sign language varies from one country to a different one. There\'s no need to rush in the event you desire to learn sign language, take the time and learning would be very effective. Classes and trainings about sign language isn't gonna be an issue because many have created it for the many who wants to learn. Classes held online or perhaps in traditional rooms are another set of choice for you to select from. It all depends on the choice of the individual on where he she is at ease with.

When you wish to learn sign language simply because you want to work using the skill, then its suggested that you go to classes that are held in conventional classrooms since you will learn a lot more in here. With this solution, you\'d be asked to come to class for a certain length of time that would make you feel like your again in high school or college. Upon completion of the course or if a learner has by now perfected sign language, he she is given a diploma certifying the achievement of the course he she had undertaken. What's good in heading for traditional classes is that you might hunt for a job quickly because you have a proof that you're done with necessary sign language training.

Because of the internet, software programs have been created and distributed to numerous parts of the world. You can gain understanding of sign language with ease and comfort since you can play it in your house.If you do not want to deal with any problem, using software packages is what you'll need. But primarily, you control your learning. You can have the ability to replay once again the video until you memorized and mastered the hand signals.However this is not designed for individuals who are after those documentations and qualifications so otherwise, you might as well opt for traditional classes. If you're searching for another option, book might be what you're searching for. You can gain knowledge relating to sign language even when you just lay down on bed or perhaps sit on a chair and search through it. You can see the task fairly stressful knowing that you can visualize how the hand really moves. It needs further understanding since you'll be working out on your own what were stated on the book. This is the very reason why online training courses are far better.

You can choose from the choices previously mentioned. The ultimate verdict would be based on your desires and where you suppose would work out for you. Dedication and the ability to keep going would be your tools to get triumphant in such task.

Coffee Shop Millionaire

"The Marriage-Go-Round - Tips to Maintaining Your Sanity and Avoiding the Mental Institution"

"The Marriage-Go-Round - Tips to Maintaining Your Sanity and Avoiding the Mental Institution"," Its a lot like the lives of most moms and wives but being believers, we have to be more mindful of our responses & reactions to situations because we are striving to walk in the light of God's love. We are SO not better than non-christian mommas (not even close). Here are just some examples: When our HUSBANDS: ~ refuse to listen to us, do the wrong thing, then later on tell us we were right. ~ asks us if its ""that time of the month"". ~ asks for the millionth time where your child's diaper, wipes, diaper rash cream, clothes, shoes, etc. ~ leave us stay-at-home-mom's with kids all day and then wonder why we need a Mom's night Out once a week. A Christian wife gets just as angry as any other wife BUT: ~ When we feel like hitting him over the head with a frying pan, instead we pray for him to become a mighty man of valor. ~ When we want to dump a dirty diaper in his lunch & shout at him to ""learn facts about your child by spending more time with him!"", instead we thank God for him being such a good dad and a father who is crazy about his child. ~ When we want to tell his mother what she can do with her marriage survival advice (this IS her third marriage after all), we instead Thank The Lord for the blessing of family & pray that we become closer knit. The same thing goes for being a faith-filled MOM: ~ When our child asks us ""Why mommy???"" For the ten millionth time, instead of screaming ""Because I said so!"" at the top of our lungs (because come on, you know you've done that at least twice) we just thank God for him being so inquisitive. ~ When our pets scratch the walls, vomit on the just vacuumed floors, tear holes in the new sofa, or eat the chicken off of your plate, instead of calling your nearest no-kill shelter & telling them to prepare to take four more kitties, we thank The Lord for our furry friends who help us laugh & make our lives a lot sweeter. ~ When the laundry seems to have taken over the house (It's alive!!!) & the diaper genie is full (so soon???), and the litter boxes need cleaning (Yuck! Again?) and the dishes need to be done after you've stood on your feet for over an hour preparing the huge dinner that your 3 yr old refused to eat (""I want peanut butter & jelly!""), instead of calling the nearest mental institution and signing yourself up, you get down on your knees and pray for strength, guidance, love, joy, peace, and the faith to know that (eventually) everything will be alright. Forget the Emmy Awards! Screw the Oscars! Where the heck are the Mom Awards??? When are the Wife Of The Year Awards coming on??? I want to see those! And still keeping our God-fearing heads cool even when the devil (the blackguard!) tries to war with us at every angle? Seriously? We more than deserve a HUGE pat on the back. I hate the fact that Sesame Street is playing babysitter while I do it, but sometimes that's how it has to be. . 


"Celebrity Hairstyle Secrets - How You Can Look Like the Stars"

"Celebrity Hairstyle Secrets - How You Can Look Like the Stars"," Just look at the hair colour of Angelina Jolie , Jennifer Aniston and Debra Messing to see what I mean. The richer and deeper the colour, the healthier you will look and the more attractive you will appear, it's a well acknowledged fact. The next step is to determine your own hair colour if you don't already know this. Once you have worked out what your hair colour is, try thinking of shades that are really rich in your mind but sticking to your own colour palette. Another good example is Keira Knightley, she looks at her best with chestnut-coloured hair because this is closest to her natural colour. Red hair is really popular at the moment, with stars like Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts endorsing it. This way you can be sure of the colour and whether it suits you. Also, if you just want to look good for one special evening you can then use one of these formulas and not permanently change your colour, but still look astounding. The stars that look the best are the ones that eat the right foods and focus on a good diet. There are a few key things that you need to make sure you get enough of that will help your hair look at its best. The usual recommendation is eight glasses a day, but don't stick rigidly to this, just drink as much as you can. Minerals like iron, zinc and copper are also really important. Zinc is effective in keeping the hair strong, and prevents the hair falling out; it can be found in seafood and meat. Vitamins are also effective in maintaining a good scalp and a great overall condition of your hair, especially vitamins A, B and C. A great celebrity secret is the sweet potato, which is full of vitamins A and B and other great nutrients which will give your hair great life and body. Get your hair color right and you can change the look of your hair overnight - and look stunning into the bargain! You don't have to spend a fortune to understand the beauty & hair regimes of the celebrities - these simple tips can help you copy the hairstyle of your favorite celebrity! .


"Find Out How You Can Eat Yourself to a Happy Life!"

"Find Out How You Can Eat Yourself to a Happy Life!"," As much as moods can determine the way you live, the reverse can also be true. One of the most defining factors on whether you end up like Mary Poppins or Oscar the Grouch would most probably be nutrition. Much more than the food, it's the things that food contains that really makes a difference in your ever-swinging moods. A lack of these or other elements of healthy living can severely hamper the way we think, operate and concentrate. So if you want to keep those happy thoughts, it would be best to snack on 'happy' (healthy!) food. Eating the wrong food is potentially more harmful for your mental and emotional stability than a lack of the right ones. Sugar has been linked to depression and violence. THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND     

House Sitting Academy

"Top 7 Health Food Lies You Must Know About"

"Top 7 Health Food Lies You Must Know About"," To make matters worse, the government makes it easier for food manufacturers to falsely label food products because there are many loop holes in labeling laws. While many people have the common knowledge that fast food, sweets, and other common junk foods are not good for our health, it is the so-called healthy foods that are tricky to identify. v. Now, for our list. 1. Cheerios is probably the most popular ""healthy"" cereal because of their heavy marketing slogan which claims that it ""can lower your cholesterol. That means that there's a possibility that it can lower your cholesterol but it's not for sure. This means that Cheerios is basically made up of mostly carbohydrates with a little bit of fiber and protein. If there is one cereal that I would recommend to my clients, it would be Fiber One Cereal but I would only recommend the Original Bran flavor and not the other ones because it has the highest fiber content and has zero calories from sugar. 2. You can mostly see ""sugar free"" claims on candies, salad dressings, and baked goods. When you look at the nutrition information for their Sugar Free Special Dark Chocolate, you can see that 5 square pieces (one serving) of it contains, 15 g of fat with 9 g of it coming from saturated fat and 23 g of carbohydrates. This signals a red flag in my head so I'd rather have 85% dark chocolate than eat this so called ""special dark chocolate. 3. Most fat free foods are heavily laden with sugar. A lot of people seem to think that eating fat free foods is the answer to losing weight but in fact, it is quite the opposite. Another type of food where the fat free claim is used a lot is in meats like hotdogs, ground beef, deli lunch meats, etc. Here are the nutrition facts: * Serving size: 1 link * Calories per serving: 39 * Calories from Fat: 2 * Percentage of Calories from Fat: 4. 2 g So, how can it contain 0. 5 g of fat, it can be labeled fat free. 2 g of fat may not look like a lot to you, I don't ever remember eating just one hot dog in one sitting. 4. You mean, I can eat a chocolate chip cookie and only consume 100 calories? Yay!. Nay :( Again, the sugar in these so called portion control snacks can wreak havoc to your insulin levels which means that they trigger even more sweet cravings later on. Another food in the portion control category are the frozen dinners or meals. In order to preserve the food and add more flavor to frozen meals, the manufacturers add an insane amount of salt which can cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc. 5. But, keep in mind that when you do eat healthy fats from Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Almonds, Pecans, etc, that fats are still high in calories. Yes, it's healthy but if you eat too much of it, you're still taking in a lot of calories. 6. Personally, I love to get my organic fruits and vegetables from the farmer's market because they are oh so fresh and grown locally. For instance, on my trip to the grocery store the other day, I was so surprised to find organic potato chips and organic ice cream. 7. Fruit Juices are nothing but pasteurized/processed sugar and is probably not any better than diet sodas. Take Away Normally, I wouldn't rant here in my blog. The lesson of the whole post is this: if you are buying anything that is packaged, boxed, or processed, check the ingredients first and really look into the nutrition facts. Otherwise, we will all be better off with eating more whole foods and buying from local farmers.  . THIS COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND  

House Sitting Academy

"Fish Oil Pills Vs Cod Liver Oil: Which Is the Better Omega-3 Source?"

" "Fish Oil Pills Vs Cod Liver Oil: Which Is the Better Omega-3 Source?"," You can eat the flesh of the fish itself, but most people prefer taking supplements because they contain concentrated amounts of omega-3 fats. Is there a difference between the two? Which one is a better source of omega-3 fats? Fish oil and cod liver oil Let's take a look at where these two supplements come from. Cod liver is obtained from the liver of white fish like halibut and cod. But the biggest difference between the two is that fish oil contains only EPA and DHA, while cod liver has high amounts of vitamins A and D. The presence of vitamins A and D in fish liver might place you at risk for an overdose of these two vitamins, especially if you are pregnant. What you should be careful about is its vitamin A content. In pregnant women, a dose higher than 10,000 IU per day may increase the risk of birth defects. Omega-3 rich fish have the highest concentration of ocean pollutants because of their environment and because they consume smaller fish that may have been exposed to toxins. The safer source of omega-3s Although both oils contain DHA and EPA, fish oil pills has twice the amount of total omega-3 fats than cod liver oil. Cod liver oil might be a good alternative to fish oil during the winter months, when the lack of sunlight can place you at risk for a vitamin D deficiency. CAN YOU TRUST WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE  



"Real Causes and Treatment Of Acne"

"Real Causes and Treatment Of Acne"," These skin conditions not only cause physical problems but also emotional problems when a lot of young people are in early emotional development. If you think that you are the only person who has acne, do not worry. There are many acne treatments available but first let us look at what causes acne as well as what we can do about it. Acne is usually caused by your skin secreting more oils than what is normal. Many young people have this problem and search for acne treatments. The real problem for blackheads and acne is the bacteria which is lodged within each of your pores of your skin. Most of the bacteria that we touch is fairly harmless. Technically, acne is called ""folliculitus"". What happens is that the extra oil has this bacteria and your body naturally reacts to it like an infection. Your body thinks that it is under attack and fights the invader. They all work in different ways by attempting to stop your acne problems. Benzyol peroxide is a strong oxidizer and will dry out your skin. They help stop blackhead development. It is a medicine that prior was only available through prescription. Retin A treatment works by causing your skin to manufacture skin cells at a great rate than what your skin usually produces. It does work pretty well and is not that expensive. Another acne treatment is a pill called Accutane. This acne treatment causes your body to secrete less oil at the skin level. However, this acne treatment is expensive and can cause some bad side effects.

 check it out here
Treatment Of Acne,ACNE


"The Real Cause of Tinnitus - Discover What They Don't Want You to Know!"

"The Real Cause of Tinnitus - Discover What They Don't Want You to Know!"," As we carry on with our daily duties and deal with the hustle and bustle that makes our lives quite busy, we don't take care of our health properly and tend to ignore our health some times which will result in the development tinnitus. Some people are very delicately built and they cannot withstand loud noises and they even get scared. This way they will be helping themselves and finding a preventing way to avoid the development of tinnitus.
 It is also a fact that, although cures are available for treating tinnitus, prevention is always safer and much more advisable. 
Another fact is, personal hygiene is very important and can be a known cause of tinnitus if your not careful. So, the moment we reach our home, we must thoroughly wash our face and ears and wipe off all the wetness. Just like how we visit the dentist regularly, we must also visit a doctor who is a specialist in ear, mouth and throat treatments. Therefore, bear in mind a few tips that can prevent the cause of tinnitus like wearing ear plugs, covering your ears and especially in winter, wear woolen caps and never visit areas with loud noise when you feel that it is not advisable. Whatever may be the cause of tinnitus, there surely is a relief available and it is very safe, but the only thing is you have to be careful throughout the treatment period to ensure that your health is improving on a daily basis. check it out here