Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Outer Space

"The Outer Space"," Having been raised in the generation of "Star Wars," and "Startrek," many people of my age, and yours as well, have sure wondered at least once in their lives on the ways of exploring the universe.
 The wonders of the world -- at least, outside our world -- are great sources of much fascination and dreaming.
 We treated our Science subjects with much interest and liking mostly because of discussions on the solar system and what lies beyond it.

Astronomy mainly deals with planets, stars, comets, systems, and galaxies.
 It is also regarded by others as an attempt to fully discover and fathom the formation, definitive evolution,  and development of the universe.
 The ancient Greeks were the first one who dared study and discover the realm outside our world.
 Through time, ambitious and daredevil amateur astronomers have greatly contributed to the many important astronomical discoveries that, in turn, have served as foundations of what astronomy is nowadays.
 Aristotle's cosmic explanation was the first to somehow shed the light on the mysteries of the universe.
 For hundreds of years, millions have subscribed to this theory and most of the further studies undertaken were hinged on it.
 Nicolaus Copernicus came up with the heliocentric model of the solar system.
 Albeit his proposition generated much opposition, he was staunchly defended by Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler.
 Kepler, on the other hand, was the first to devise a system, which described correctly the details of the motion of the planets with the Sun at the center.
 For some circumstances beyond control, our quest to further study the universe took a halt when we entered college and focused on our respective fields of interests.
 Once an astronomy enthusiast, always an astronomy enthusiast.
 I was actually surprised to find out for myself that there are many ideas and concepts on astronomy that I still don't understand that well.
 I even came across to an online college course on astronomy.
 The Fundamentals of Astronomy course is actually very scholarly.
 The course outline starts with the customary topics on history of astronomy, sky patterns, basic knowledge on gravity and motion, light, and telescope.
 The other parts are about the stars, the sun, structures of the universe, and cosmology.
 It is more of an appreciation course for beginners and interested individuals like myself.

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