Frequently described as the calling card to just about every business, business cards are the name and face of your firm. They are the only tangible object that represents both you and your clientele. For this reason, business cards are the number most coveted printed product when it comes to quality and quantity. Below are the top five tips to ensure that your business card is held up to the highest standard.
Design - Make sure that the design of the business card is something that stands out. It should be able to instantly grab the recipient's attention. With that being said, it should also be noted that it should not deter from your company's logo. Everything on the card should compliment the logo and have the main focal point be the logo.
Contact Information - Try to have the contact information included on everything. Also, try to include your Face book, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. This will help in not only giving another way to communicate, but also allow the recipient to view a complete picture of who you are as a person. Just be sure that when you include these links that you update your social media sites with appropriate information.
Die Cut - If you're a designer, you should by all means include a shape that is original to your company. This not only helps in getting eyeballs to your card, but also positions you as an innovative designer. So try to think of shapes that speak to your current trends, and allow you to simply and easily state what you do.
Colors - Make sure that the colors you include are reflective of your brand. This will help in not only creating more brand recognition, but also help in getting more brand awareness overall. Try to include some colors that are more impactful though. These colors could include anything that compliments your current scheme.
Images - Try to include images that are relevant to your brand. Including figures that are relevant will draw attention to your card, and also allow you to better state what you do, and who you are. As a result, try and think of ways to include images that are colorful and decorative.
When you are done, be sure to ask friends, family and coworkers what they think of your business card. They will provide the most honest feedback, and will also allow give you a better sense of what is needed and not needed for your next design.
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