Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Ronald Platt Story - How a Rolex Watch Helped Solve a Crime

"The Ronald Platt Story - How a Rolex Watch Helped Solve a Crime"," But for all the possible reasons why you may want to buy a Rolex, there is one reason that you may not really consider - you can use your Rolex to prove your identity. The body of a man was caught by a fishing crew off the coast of Devon at that time. The only identifying marks that he had were a tattoo of a maple leaf on the back of his hand and the Rolex watch around his wrist. It was suggested that the team should get in touch with the watch manufacturer itself because Rolex may have a record of the watch found on the victim. The serial number of a Rolex watch can be found at the watch's shoulder, just underneath the curve where the bracelet meets the watch's face. Because of the help extended by Rolex, the victim was later identified to be Ronald Joseph Platt. The identification of the body was confirmed later on by a man who came forward as Platt's friend, David Davis. When the British police investigated the whereabouts of Mr. Davis had arranged for Platt and his girlfriend to immigrate to Canada and, after doing that, had assumed Platt's identity in England without Platt knowing it. He was actually Albert Johnson Walker, and he had been on the Interpol most wanted list in the last six years for swindling millions of dollars from clients in Canada. Walker did not count on the real Platt returning to England and living just a town away from where he lived. The theory of the investigating police was that Walker had lured Platt to his boat on the premise that he needed help with it. No matter how the crime had occurred or how it was planned, the point is that it would never have been uncovered if not for the Rolex watch found around Platt's wrist when he was fished up from the sea. 

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