Monday, April 23, 2012

Dog Training - 8 Ways to Cut Down on Behavior Problems

"Dog Training - 8 Ways to Cut Down on Behavior Problems"," That should be  about it, right? Wrong!

You  have an ongoing relationship with your pet, just like you do your children or  your spouse.
 If you don't, all of that training you've done so far will be for  naught.
 Even well-trained owners have dogs with  behavior problems when things change.
  Dogs aren't themselves when they are ill or in pain.

Here are nine things you  can do to make sure your well-behaved dog stays that way.
 Don't forget  that you are leader of the pack.
 If you don't provide him consistent strong, yet  fair, leadership, he will try to become the leader.
 Here are some tips to make sure he remembers  you are his leader:

- Don't let him pull on his  leash.

- Don't let him get away  with bad behavior.

- Don't chase or play rough  games like tug-of-war with your dog.

- Always go through doorways  before him.

- Don't give him anything -  attention, food, play - without him doing something for you first, like sitting  on command.

- Protect your dog from  other animals or people who try to harm him.
 With this respect comes an innate desire to  please.
 Train with  your dog every day.
 Work with your dog  at least 15 minutes a day on an aspect of his behavior.
  Try to teach your dog something new every month or two.
 Most  dogs were bred to do some kind of work, and if you don't give your dog purpose,  he'll become bored and develop behavioral problems.
 Make sure to  give your dog treats and praise.
 People tend to get complacent, and  before you know it, Spot is hogging your bed and dragging you down the street  by the leash.
  To prevent this, make your dog perform an act of obedience to earn praise,  petting or a treat.
 Never strike  or yell at your dog.
 Some owners use physical  abuse to train their dogs to fight for money.
 Statistics show that  thousands of dogs are killed or injured by people every year.

Dogs don't respond well to yelling.
 Everyone loses  their patience from time to time, but remember that your dog only responds to  fair leadership.
 Get your dog  proper medical care.
 It's important to go to the  same vet every year so he or she can monitor your pet and notice any evidence  of problems.
 If your dog is injured or sick, he needs to  get proper medical attention.
 Attend  obedience training.
 A  good trainer will teach you the basics and what a good dog/owner relationship  is.
 That old saying, ""You can't teach an old  dog new tricks"" is not true! A dog of any age can learn good behavior.
 He will learn some good behavior and to respect you,  the leader of the pack.
 Obedience training is great way to  teach an ""only dog"" how to properly socialize with other dogs and people.

Here are some tips to help you determine what obedience class is the right one  for you and your pet:

- Ask your friends, family  members, vet or groomer for


- Choose a trainer that  focuses primarily on group classes.
 Your  dog will also focus on your commands, not just those of the trainer.

- Make sure there are  separate classes for puppies and adult dogs.
 You may also feel more comfortable with a  trainer who offers beginning, intermediate and advanced obedience classes.
  While you watch, note some of these details: Notice if the class is small enough that  everyone can get some individualized attention.
 See if the  trainer provides lesson handouts.
 Does the trainer give the owners  other information about health, grooming or specific breeds? You want to make  sure your trainer is knowledgeable about the whole dog, not just obedience  training techniques.
 This can come in  handy if your dog doesn't always respond to the tried-and-true methods.

- Be sure to get a list of  equipment you'll need to bring with you to your first class.
 Be sure to bring all the required equipment.
 Don't forget to do your homework! Practice  between classes is essential to reinforce your dog's behavior.
 Lean all you  can about your dog, his breed, and canine care.
 Learn all you can from books, television and  magazines.
 A new toy from time to time is a new adventure  for both you and your pet.
 Keep your  dog's home safe and stimulating.
 Always have a number of fun toys available, including  balls, chews and squeaky toys.
 Keep your pet  out of areas of your home where he might eat something toxic or injure himself.

If your dog starts to have behavior problems, don't despair! There's nothing to say that you can't start  training him to change his behavior!  With a little patience and perseverance, you will be able to eliminate  most bad behavior.

Some problems won't be entirely eliminated, especially if you chose a dog that  doesn't have the temperament for your lifestyle.
 Now we'll look at some of the most common  behavior problems and how to re-train your dog to behave appropriately.

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